If you are playing official poker games, you might have noticed that you have to obey some rules. These are the unwritten rules that are necessary to maintain the flow of the game. A bad experience can put off players and cause them to leave. On the other hand, a good experience can keep them from leaving.
One of the most important things to know about official poker games is that you have to be respectful to other people. This includes the dealer and the other players. It is also important to follow all the rules of the table.
Poker tables are set up with a standard order. Each player is given a seat. Before the first card is dealt, the floorperson will place the appropriate number of starting chips on the table.
When a player does not have any chips, he or she is not allowed to leave the table. However, the dealer will put the player up to make an antes bet.
When a player has a strong hand, he or she can win the pot without having to go all the way to a showdown. However, it is important to remember that if you win the pot, you have to tip the dealer.
A good rule of thumb is to keep your cards in full view of the other players. You have to be careful about hiding your cards.
Other rules of the game include not making comments about a player’s folded hand. This can be annoying and can disrupt the game.