Robert Ciaffone, better known as Bob Ciaffone, is an authority on cardroom rules. He helped design the first official rulebook and was instrumental in making them as clear and comprehensive as possible. He chose the rules, improved wording, and organized the text. Before becoming a full-fledged poker rulebook author, Ciaffone served as a rules consultant for many cardrooms. He also helped create the idn poker Players Association rulebook, the first set of poker rules designed to be used by the general public.
WFP rules require players to sign in each time they enter the poker room. They must print their Full Name and Member ID# on a sign-in sheet. If the player does not bring their ID, the registration will be void. In addition, the WFP requires new players to complete an application for membership. Once approved, the Lead Dealer will issue a WFP ID number.
In tournaments, players may not reveal their cards during the action. If the players have all-in but are short on chips, they cannot benefit from hidden chips. Therefore, they lose the pot. If they win the blind but are unable to cover the difference, the director may rule that these chips belonged to their opponent. In some cases, the directors may rule that the chips belonged to the opponent who won the pot, and the player must leave the tournament immediately.
Observing the hole cards of other players is not cheating. However, it is considered poor etiquette. If you see an opponent’s hole cards, you should never try to peek at them. This will make you appear less skilled and less confident. Likewise, you should not make fun of them or point out their mistakes.